
Shanbi is a station on Airport MRT of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Shanbi
Chinese (traditional) 山鼻
Located on Airport MRT
Code A10

Map of Shanbi

Tips near Shanbi

Good for walking. Watch out for snakes.


Dec 2, 2017

First train/Last train

Photos near Shanbi


Copyright: p0732

  • 20230321_171033+0800-2762434 20230321_171033+0800-2762434
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  • L2460060 L2460060
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  • 陳氏古厝徳馨堂 陳氏古厝徳馨堂
  • 陳氏古厝徳馨堂 陳氏古厝徳馨堂
  • L2451773 L2451773
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  • 20181207_171217-2369128 20181207_171217-2369128
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  • _MG_1348 _MG_1348
  • 蘆竹捷運山鼻站.有兩位車友在裝攜車袋 蘆竹捷運山鼻站.有兩位車友在裝攜車袋
  • P5021878 P5021878
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  • P5021887 P5021887
  • Boracay Day1。Taiwan to Boracay Boracay Day1。Taiwan to Boracay

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