
Shuanglian is a station on Red Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Shuanglian
Chinese (traditional) 雙連
Located on Red Line
Code R12

Map of Shuanglian

Tips near Shuanglian

to ningxia nightmarket exit 1


Mar 20, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Shuanglian


Copyright: bm2cju

  • IMG20240714124356 IMG20240714124356
  • Hotseat Hotseat
  • Just looking Just looking
  • Grilled Grilled
  • 1.8 1.8
  • From the inside out From the inside out
  • Girl power Girl power
  • Barely holding it together Barely holding it together
  • Swimming laps Swimming laps
  • Room to breathe Room to breathe
  • Transparency matters Transparency matters
  • G-force G-force
  • Cupcake Cupcake
  • Hi Hi
  • Flight path Flight path
  • 6D244599 6D244599
  • 6D244597 6D244597
  • 6D244596 6D244596
  • Behind bars Behind bars
  • Lower light Lower light
  • _NEI1095 _NEI1095
  • Background Background
  • Opinion on pastel Opinion on pastel
  • I scream I scream
  • That's a wrap That's a wrap
  • Anywhere there's a space Anywhere there's a space
  • Gear acquisition Gear acquisition
  • 攝影課 攝影課

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.