
Xiangshan is a station on Red Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Xiangshan
Chinese (traditional) 象山
Located on Red Line
Code R02

Map of Xiangshan

Tips near Xiangshan


Aug 30, 2014

First train/Last train

Photos near Xiangshan


Copyright: RamaWangFlickr https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • DSC04537 DSC04537
  • Stuart has a bottle of single cask Glenlivet to sell Stuart has a bottle of single cask Glenlivet to sell
  • MiNe-M5_102-9513UG MiNe-M5_102-9513UG
  • IMAG0068 IMAG0068
  • DSC02779 DSC02779
  • Snapshot, Taipei, 隨拍, 台北 Snapshot, Taipei, 隨拍, 台北
  • 2:40 am, Sunday, Room 18 2:40 am, Sunday, Room 18
  • 9313 9313
  • 9312 9312
  • 9300 9300
  • 9266 9266
  • 9265 9265
  • 9262 9262
  • 9152 9152
  • 9140 9140
  • 9122 9122
  • 9103 9103
  • 9052 9052
  • 9046 9046
  • 9039 9039
  • 8956 8956
  • 8932 8932
  • 8912 8912
  • 8909 8909
  • 8880 8880
  • 8873 8873
  • 8872 8872
  • 8870 8870
  • 8840 8840
  • 8831 8831

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.