
Zhishan is a station on Red Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Zhishan
Chinese (traditional) 芝山
Located on Red Line
Code R17

Map of Zhishan

Tips near Zhishan

Exit at exit 2. There is a great beef noodle shop on your right

dooie kiep

Oct 28, 2012

You can find Carrefour only two blocks away, plus great Vietnamese food, and other little restaurants.

Son of Coco

Oct 8, 2015

First train/Last train

Photos near Zhishan

戲曲中心 112_0924

戲曲中心 112_0924
Copyright: F.M. Wang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • 戲曲中心 112_0924 戲曲中心 112_0924
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  • 綬草 112_0404 歐洲學校 綬草 112_0404 歐洲學校
  • 112_0416 越野跑 112_0416 越野跑
  • 110_0804 戲曲中心-跑步 110_0804 戲曲中心-跑步
  • 111_0218 士林-台北燈節 111_0218 士林-台北燈節
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