
Zhongyuan is a station on Yellow Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Zhongyuan
Chinese (traditional) 中原
Located on Yellow Line
Code Y14

Map of Zhongyuan

Tips near Zhongyuan

ㄑ ㄎ

ㄑ ㄑ

10 months ago

First train/Last train

Photos near Zhongyuan


Copyright: williamhuang850 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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  • 捷運環狀線 中原站 捷運環狀線 中原站
  • 捷運環狀線 中原站 捷運環狀線 中原站
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  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
  • 西提 #hbd 西提 #hbd
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Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.