Songjiang Nanjing

Songjiang Nanjing is a station on Green Line and Orange Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Songjiang Nanjing
Chinese (traditional) 松江南京
Located on Green Line and Orange Line
Code G15 / O08

Map of Songjiang Nanjing

Tips near Songjiang Nanjing



May 13, 2017

pig trotters exit 7 out turn right then turn left walk straight to the shop.


Mar 27, 2018

pig trotters exit 7 out turn right and left walk striaght to the shop.


Mar 27, 2018

Erin hotel at exit 7


Oct 13, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Songjiang Nanjing

2014-12-02 07.20.15

2014-12-02 07.20.15
Copyright: bangdoll@flickr

  • 2014-12-02 07.20.15 2014-12-02 07.20.15
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  • 2018-05-25 11.56.35 2018-05-25 11.56.35
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  • My灶 My灶
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  • C360_2014-04-18-16-13-49-286 C360_2014-04-18-16-13-49-286
  • 台菲友好協會抗議Kidapawan屠殺事件 台菲友好協會抗議Kidapawan屠殺事件
  • IMG_5043 IMG_5043
  • Untitled Untitled
  • IMG_4885 IMG_4885
  • 2014-12-07 17.31.19 2014-12-07 17.31.19
  • 2014-12-07 18.12.37 2014-12-07 18.12.37
  • 2014-12-02 08.35.55 2014-12-02 08.35.55
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Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.