
Xihu is a station on Brown Line of the Taipei Metro. For more details view the Explore Taipei interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Xihu
Chinese (traditional) 西湖
Located on Brown Line
Code BR16

Map of Xihu

Tips near Xihu

Ruighuang road


Sep 11, 2014

First train/Last train

Photos near Xihu


Copyright: irvingchen https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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  • 【內湖】Urban Cafe & Bistro 優本咖啡洋食館|踮起腳尖~❤  提拉米蘇界的活火山,熔岩提拉米蘇,好好粗!~❤|1030712 【內湖】Urban Cafe & Bistro 優本咖啡洋食館|踮起腳尖~❤  提拉米蘇界的活火山,熔岩提拉米蘇,好好粗!~❤|1030712
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  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
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  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
  • 蔡康永 蔡康永
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